


I am a film maker, spoken word poet, writer, performer, video producer, sloth enthusiast, internet personality, blogger, and co-host of a weekly youtube show known as #iHitSendSunday.

My video: "i Hit Send or Modern Meltdown," was a viral hit in 2015, featured on Huffington Post, E! Online, and more. The poem was later performed in an off-broadway play entitled "Virgin-More," at Dixon Place.

Other popular and published videos are my Coming Out Story, Poem-"Misconceptions of the effeminate," This video about a Buzzfeed article, and one-on one interviews with the top 8  American Idol 14 finalists.

I've performed from NYC to LA, including multiple appearances at STRONG WORDS (formerly located in Silverlake.) 

I am also really stoked you're reading this. 



Serious inquiries? Contact

Oliver is a stuffed sock sloth.